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Q & A



Q1. 公會和工會有什麼分別?

Q1. What is the difference between association and trade union?

A1. 公會是工商業或專業執行業者之間的組織,一般集中行業公益及檢察營業弊病。工會則是同一職業僱員或工人為了維護勞工權益成立的組織。香港設計師工會正是後者,主要宗旨是為設計師爭取應有權益,解決勞資糾紛問題。

A1. A Guild is an organisation formed by the industrial and commercial parties, or professionals and workers. In general, it concentrates on industry interest and inspect the business fault. A trade union is an organisation formed by employees or workers, striving for their labour benefits. Hong Kong Union of Designers is a designer trade union, which objective is to strive for the designers' benefit, and resolve the labour disputes.

Q2. 為什麼你們想成立工會?

Q2. Why you want to set up a trade union?

A2. 我們希望成立一個專屬設計師的平台,成為設計師交流的集中地。除了為設計師爭取應有的權益外,也希望能藉這個平台集合所有設計師為社會的不公義發聲。

A2. We would like to set up a platform specialised for designer, becoming a designer community. Besides striving the labour benefits for designers, we also hope that this platform can help the designers to voice for the unfairness in this society.

Q3. 現時的工會申請進度如何?什麼時候才正式成立?

Q3. How is the application process of the union? When will it be officially established?

A3.申請表格已經提交給勞工處轄下職工會登記局,只要核實會章及遞交補充資料就可以進入審核程序。通過審批後, 我們開始招收會員和召開會員大會, 預計十二月中完成.詳情請留意工會TG Channel 和 Facebook專頁。

A3. The application form had been submitted to The Registry of Trade Unions under Labour Department. Once the constitution is verified and the supplement document is submitted, it will proceed to approval. After the union is approved, we will begin to enroll the members and hold the member meeting. The process is expected to be completed by mid-December. Please refer to the union TG Channel and Facebook Page.

Q4. 工會成立後會有什麼計劃?

Q4. What will be planned after the union is officially established?

A4. 工會正式運作後,將計劃出一些刊物宣揚香港設計。長遠會籌備活動促進本地設計師交流,亦會處理設計業界常有的勞工權益問題,以及制定行價表。

A4.  After the union is officially established, we plan to publish some print materials for promoting Hong Kong design. The prolonged plan will be enhancing the interactions among local designers. We will also handle the common labour dispute cases for the design field, as well as create the design market price chart.

Q5. 可以循什麼途徑閱讀會章?

Q5. Where can we read the union constitution?

A5. 通過職工會登記局審批後會在工會官方網站刊登.

A5. The union constitution will be published on the union official website once the Registry of Trade Unions approves.

Q6. 為什麼還未籌辦任何活動? 那麼工會會參與三罷嗎?

Q6. Why doesn't the union organise any activity? Then will the union participate in General Strike on Three Fronts?

A6.根據現行職工會條例, 工會必須正式成立第一屆理事會後才可以以工會名義籌辦或參與任何活動. 現時的籌辦委員會只能維持工會的基本運作,例如處理申請程序和建立工會架構。

A6. According to the current trade union ordinance, the union needs to have a council to organise or participate in any activity with the union name. The preparation committee only can maintain the union basic operation, such as following up the application process and establish the union structure.

Q7. 工會目前正進行什麼計劃?

Q7. What is the current plan for the union?

A7. 目前正招攬設計師為文宣戰線設計文宣。工會也正在義務協助受罷工影響的求助個案.有意設計文宣或需要職業求助請聯絡工會公海Admin。


A7. We are recruiting the designers to create the poster designs for Graphic Propaganda Front. The union will also volunteer to assist the cases regarding the strike. If you are interested in designing posters or need to have any assistance, please contact the union Public Admin.

Moreover, the union is setting up a designer recruitment board called The Job Seeking Union Out of the Blue,gathering the company information which are willing to hire the designers who had involved in the strike. The bank account, official website and social media platform are under construction.

Q8. 為什麼要付會費?會費是多少?

Q8. Why we have to pay the membership fee? How much for the membership fee?

A8. 向各會員收取會費是為了應付工會的營運開支,包括開設就業平台,支援罷工基金,活動經費及會員福利等等。部分預算會用作與其他工會聯盟組織活動。會費未定,但學生會有優惠價。會費會因應工會規模和財政狀況而作出調整,調整前會通知會員。

A8. The membership fee is used for the union operation and expense, including setting up the recruitment platform, supporting strike fund, activity expense and the member benefit. Part of the budget will be spent on the joint activities with other unions. The membership fee is not fixed yet, but there is a discount for students. The membership fee will be adjusted by the union scale and financial condition. The members will be informed before the adjustment.

Q9. 怎樣成為工會會員?

Q9. How to be the union member?

A9. 除了繳交會費外,籌委員經過商討後,目前會章規定會員應有以下其中一項資格:

現職設計師; 或



















A9. Besides paying the membership fee, you need to have one of the following criteria:

Current full-time designer; or

Had studied the design course approved by the government; or

3-year design working experience

Students who are studying the design course can apply for associate members.

The union currently includes the following design category:

Industrial and Product

Graphic and illustration




UI/UX Interface


Event and Exhibition

Fashion and Textile






Q10. 目前工會遇到什麼問題?

Q10. What are the problems the union facing?

A10. 首先是申請進度問題,籌委會已盡快加速進度。預計12月頭就能進入審核程序。另一個是工會架構設定。在申請工會的同時,籌委會正建立架構處理行政事務,包括開設工會配套(如專用銀行戶口和專用伺服器等等),管理系統及人手分配。

A10. The slow application process is one of the problem. The committee will try to speed it up. The approval will be proceeded in this December. Another problem is the union structure. While the union application is under progress, the committee is building the administration system, including setting up the union facilities (such as bank account and server etc.), management system and human resource.

Q11. 工會是否封閉組織(俗稱小圈子)?

Q11.  Is the union an isolated group (a.k.a. closed circle group)



A11. The union is currently formed by 14 designers who had not met each other before. They gather to assure the designers' benefit, particularly the designers who may be fired during the strike (including General Strikes on Three Fronts). They will temporarily handle the union administration work until the official committee members are elected. After the handover, they will retire. If any of them would like to continue working as the committee member, they need to be elected in the member conference.

We need more manpower for the heavy workload in the future. If you are interested in working at the union, please contact with any probational committee member. 

Q12. 為什麼要申請成為會員才可在工會logo比賽投票?

Q12. Why we need to be member to vote for the union logo competition?

A12. 這個投票的主要對象是本會會員,所以必須申請成為會員後才能投票。其次是防止投票舞弊如種票或洗票。現時申請表上的身份證號碼是選填項。

A12. The target audience of this election is the union member only, so you need to apply for the membership in order to participate. Another reason is preventing from electoral fraud such as electoral manipulations. Filling in the ID card number is optional for the current application form.  

Q13. 為什麼會有免費幫其他工會/機構做設計工作?

Q13. Why are there some design jobs for other unions/organisation free of charge?

A13. 這些免費設計工作屬於義務工作,希望可以藉此幫助有急切需要設計作抗爭宣傳的團體。本會未來也會跟其他工會或機構合作舉辦或參與相關活動。這些義工活動是自願性質。如果你有意參加這些義務工作,本會樂意提供相關資料。

A13. This kind of free jobs are volunteer works. We hope to help the organisations who need the design for protests and strikes urgently.  The union also will cooperate with other unions or organisation, or participate in the related activities. These volunteer activities are voluntary.  If you are interested in taking part in these activities, we are glad to provide the related information.

Q14. 這些義務工作會不會跟爭取設計師權益的宗旨相違背?

Q14. Will these volunteer works contradict the objective of striving for the designer’s benefit?

A14. 不會. 工會成立的其中一個目的的確是爭取設計師權益, 但並不是只針對牟利的工作. 我們會提供不同類型的工作予本會會員參與. 現時因行政問題暫時只提供義務設計工作. 將來本會會員可自由選擇幫助社會上有困難的人設計或是幫助與本會有聯繫的機構賺取收入以維持設計師的生計. 設計師也可因應自己的能力和需求徵求或應徵工作。

A14. No, it won't. Although one of the union objectives is striving for the designer’s benefit, it does not mean we only focus on profitable jobs. We will provide different types of jobs for the union members. Owing to the administrative problem, only volunteered jobs are provided right now. In the near future, the member can choose to design for the needs, or design for the organisations which are associated with the union to earn a living. The designer can request or apply for a job based on their capability and need.


We want all of our clients to experience the impressive level of skill and professionalism of our designers when working with HKUD. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life more beautiful. You can trust us to provide everything you need in order to produce truly exceptional designs.

Q&A: What We Do
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